Head Shots

                 These were just some traditional, normal portraits taken in diverse locations with different models.

Environmental portraits

For these portraits, i used Megan Mahoney to portray a busy, real world photographer and her activities with her camera as they naturally occur.

Street/ Fashion portraits

For these steeet portraits, i used my mother and had her dress up in a few different outfit pieces. I took some outside and the others in our extra room and used lighting technicues we learned using a flashlight, foil, and white board.


  For these portraites, i wanted to convey a mother whose traveled to a new city, distant from home and society, and alone. She soon encounters a puppy, whom bonds with her instantly and fills the void in her heart.


and more..........


1.Head Shot

1.Focus on the eyes
2.watch your angles( Side view/good side)
3.use lens and focus
4.Convey an emotion/theme

2.Environmental Portrait

  1. Focus on environment
  2. underexpose when using artificial light
  3. Don't be so tight/ expand size, portrait
  4. Define purpose of the shot.

3.Glamour/ Street Portrait

  1. Focus on wardrobe.
  2. plan setting/watch background
  3. be aware of natural lighting
  4. Come prepared

4.Conceptual Portraits

  1. Create a storyboard
  2. Focus on fantasy
  3. plan wardrobe and setting
  4. Focus on expression!
1.Erving penn
I chose him as my first favorite because all of his photos are so dramatic. Also, they tell a story in a unique way with little to no props.He also is able to capture the eyes beautifully which i admire very much.

2.Christi Curtis
Although she is not a famous photographer, when i went onto her site, i instantly fell in love with her photos. They are all very crafty, planned out, and well lighted. I stared at her photos , examining all of  the details in them. Imagining all the stories behind it.Also in her photos, i loved how they had a natural more "cutsie" feel, more natural rather than staged.

3.Thomas Ketner
I chose this photographer mostly for his uniqueness of costume, set design, and over all plot build up captured within a single photo. All his photos seemed to be well planned out and well thought out. I aspire to be able to create a set just like this one day.