All photos were taken at a shutter speed of 1/160

My Vignette

          BEFORE                              AFTER

Boosting Color Saturation

Shadow Recovery

1)       Photography is the art or practice of taking, or capturing, images of objects and procesing them.The root word photo,which means light, comes together with the root graph, which means to write, to form photography.

2)                                                         Photography Timeline
           1827- Joseph Nicephore Niepce was credited as the first person to take a photograph. He used a pinhole camera(a.k.a, a camera obscura)

  1829through1839- Louis Daguerre became known as the first inventor of the practical, modernnized process of photography. not only did he shorten the process of taking and processing the ppicture, but he alos found away to make it last and not fade away when exposed to sunlight, unlike Niepce.          

1839-  A scientist by the name of  John F.W. Herschel called the process of using light to capture images photography. He was credited as the first person to use this term.
1856- Hamilton Smith patented the tintype camera, another invention that contributed to the birth of modern photography.
1940's- commercial color film was brought to the market, changing photography forever
3)     Joseph Nicephore Niepce seems to be the person who took the very first photgraph ever in 1827 using a camera obscura. 
 Documentary photography-tell stories with images, usually about history.

Sports photography- a form of action photography where the photographer captures various sports

Macrophotography-the field of photography in which pictures are taken at close range.

Astrophotography- space photgraphy, usually through a telescope

Scenic photography- photo's of landscape and/or land

Urban/industrial photography- photography that puts an emphasis on urban life

Portraiture- goal of this form of photography is to capture the personality of the subject or group of subjects.

taken by me !
Ariel photography- taking photos from the air.

taken by me!
Underwater Photography-  photos taking underwater