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           before                                            After




          I have to say, this year of photo imaging is going great! It's amazing to me how much I've learned in only about a month! I almost consider myself a pro when it comes to taking pictures with an SLR camera. I am able to manipulate the Camera to create anything from a vivid Depth of Feild image all the way to great motion blur. Not only have i  learned how to alter images with a camera, but also with Photoshop. I have done everything from simple brightness/contrast adjustments to more complex text affects. Mr.Sandoval has expanded my knowledge in the feild of photography that i consider it as practically my sixth sense! Over all, i'd have to say i had the most fun doing the light graffiti project and the freeze frames. I cant wait to see what else is on atore for the weeks to come!
                                                   -Alliyah Brown
                                                                  p.s- Thanks Mr.Sandoval!



examples from online

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